Hammond Optimist 12U Baseball

May 28, 2018  •  1 Comment

48X72 Banner step two with name48X72 Banner step two with name4'x6' team banner


As parents, we take great pride in our children.  

   24x48 Brazill, David24x48 Brazill, David 24x48 Meyers, Jonny24x48 Meyers, Jonny 24x48 Kendall, Evan24x48 Kendall, Evan

















When we first held them in our arms, we never thought these little miracles would transform our lives so radically, and yet they have. 


Caldwell, TerrellCaldwell, Terrell

As we watched them sit up for the first time, learn to crawl, walk, and run, we knew nothing could replace the love we have for our children.  Countless hours at the {hot} baseball fields and the many miles put on our vehicles don't bother us because we get to watch our boys thrive.  We cheer each time they hit, throw, or catch a ball.  We enjoy watching them tag an opponent out.  But more than that, we are proud of the sportsmanship they display.  Our sons are people of character, and we love who they have become. Our sons are our champions, and we are their number one fans. 


Lopez, GavinLopez, Gavin

In the blink of an eye, our sons will be young men who are graduating from high school and moving on to the next chapter in their lives.  We will go through the pictures from their childhood and reminisce about the days when we got to spend time on those {hot} baseball fields watching them grow and thrive. 

Cruz III, BenjaminCruz III, Benjamin And so, it is with great pride that Jacque Miller Photography photographs your sons during their 12U season.  These memories will live on forever. 


Your proofs from our shoot on May 19, 2018 are ready to view.  Please go to this gallery to view the proofs.  Orders that were placed on the 19th should arrive by June 1, 2018.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  I am here to serve YOU!


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Tiffany Kendall(non-registered)
These pictures are awesome
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